**WARNING! You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non-consensual sex. This story features no characters under the age of 18. If you do not like such stories, please stop reading. This story is all fiction and no characters in it are meant to resemble any real person. If you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. The people who commit rape are despised everywhere. No one is being hurt, and this is pure fantasy.
**Friday Night Gone Bad
An original story by Vile8r**
Chapter I:
Kaylee Hewes was one of the hottest girls in Franklin Composite High School. Cale McCormick couldn’t be prouder that the exceptionally pretty 18 year-old senior was his girlfriend.
The 5’ 6”, 112 lb. blonde was blessed with a body that a lot of girls would die for. Her slim, 33-23-32 athletic body; long, toned legs; sparkling blue eyes; and beautiful smile, made Kaylee a very much lusted-after girl in her class.
Cale was no slouch himself. He was also a high school senior, and a star receiver on the football team. He was an extremely fit, good-looking boy, and very popular! He had already dated most of the hottest girls on the cheerleading squad. But Kaylee was the girl he really wanted. And now she was his!

Tonight, the two of them were heading out into the countryside to a keg party at an old abandoned farm. Kaylee’s parents were religious, and not very approving of parties, and so she had had to sneak out of the house.
She climbed out her upstairs bedroom window and down the big elm tree beside the house. Then across the backyard, and down the alley. Cale sat in his convertible at the end of the alley, waiting for her.
It was a very warm spring evening. Therefore, what Kaylee was wearing, didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. A pair of tight, denim cutoffs, barely covering her sweet bubble-butt and showing off her awesome tanned legs, and a cute pink t-shirt. On her feet she had some matching pink and white sandals.
“My dad would flip if he knew what I was doing right now!” Kaylee said, as she jumped in on the passenger side of the car. She looked over her shoulder, almost as if she was expecting for her father to come roaring down the alleyway at any second.
“I’ll probably get grounded for a month for this, but no way was I missing this party,” Kaylee said to Cale.
“For sure!” Cale replied. “Everybody’s gonna be there!”
The party was being hosted by another senior boy named Ethan James. His family was quite rich and he had a reputation for throwing some pretty damn good parties. Going to one of Ethan’s parties was a definite must for the popular crowd! It was a great place to be seen!
They began driving out of town. Cale was stealing glances over at Kaylee in her denim shorts. His cock grew hard, thinking about how later that night, he’d be getting inside them. Not only did Kaylee have one hell of a body, she was also a damn good fuck.
Cale had discovered, in the past, that having a hot body didn’t necessarily translate into a girl being good at sex. He had fucked some other pretty smokin’ hot girls in his school, but not all of them had been that great. A couple of them he could best describe as, “like fucking a dead fish.”
But not Kaylee! Oh no! She was the real deal! He didn’t know if it had something to do with being repressed by her religious parents or what, but, man, the girl liked to fuck. And the things she could do with her mouth….wow!
Kaylee looked over at him. “What are you looking at?” she smiled.
“You, baby!” he replied. “You’re looking awesome!”
“I know!” Kaylee laughed.
“Oh, nothing like being stuck-up!” Cale laughed back, as he playfully slapped Kaylee on the leg.
His dick was as hard as rock, and he knew Kaylee had to be able to see it through his pants. She did. She reached over and cupped his balls, then with her fingers, traced the outline of his hard cock through his pants.
Cale was really excited now. He couldn’t help but think about having her hot, young body pressed against him. He pictured his hands wrapping around her slender waist, feeling the curve of her hips as he slipped himself inside her.
She leaned in closer and kissed him on the side of the neck. “I’m all yours.”
Oh yes! Indeed you are! He smiled to himself.
Kaylee looked around and saw they were no longer even in town. Cale was driving down a gravel country road and then turned down another narrow road, this one lined with big trees.
“Now, you do know where we’re going, right?” Kaylee asked, with a bit of apprehension.
“Yeah, don’t worry! Ethan gave me directions.” Cale explained.
“Well, that’s good,” Kaylee quipped. “Because I have no clue!”
As they continued on, they came to an intersection of four roads. Cale came to a slow stop and silently swore to himself.
“What’s the problem?” Kaylee asked.
“Well,” Cale replied. “Ethan told me when I came to the first intersection, which is this one, I was supposed to turn onto Pinetree Road. But I can’t remember if he said turn right or turn left.”
“Ummm, I thought you said he gave you directions. Aren’t they on your phone?”
Cale gave her a sheepish look. “Uh, no!”
Kaylee gave him a cold glare. “Call him then. Ask him to give you the directions again.”
He had already pulled his phone out and was looking at it. “Shit!” he said disgustedly. “We’re in a dead zone! I have no service!”
Kaylee glanced at her phone. “Yeah, and neither do I! What do we do now?”
“Hey,” Cale said. “Look over that way. I see something. Looks like the roof of a barn.”
Kaylee’s eyes followed where Cale was pointing, and sure enough a mile or so away, she could make out something over the tops of the trees.
“Ethan told me to watch for a big old barn. I’ll bet that’s the one!”
“Okay, so then we should turn left,” Kaylee smiled. “That’s probably the party spot!”
Cale turned left onto the other road and took off in a spray of gravel. As they approached the area where they had seen the barn, they could also see smoke rising from a large bonfire, further encouraging them that they were heading in the right direction. They came around a wide curve and into the farmyard. And immediately realized, they were in the wrong place!
Inside the clearing was an old farm. There was a two-story farmhouse, a large red barn and several other smaller outbuildings. Groves of large oak and maple trees surrounded the place. They could see there was a party happening, but not the high school party they were looking for. In the farmyard could be seen dozens of big Harley-Davidson motorcycles. A large group of people were gathered around a roaring bonfire.
Cale and Kaylee immediately had a sense of unease, seeing that they were all burly, rough-looking bikers.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Kaylee said. “We need to get the hell out of here.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing,” Cale said, as he began to turn the car around.
Suddenly, though, a couple of the bikers could be seen running toward them. Cale had to brake to avoid hitting them, as they ran in front of the car.
One of the men yelled out. “What the fuck do we got here? Fuckin’ trespassers? Stop yer car…..now!”
The biker approached Cale’s side of the car as he came to a stop.
He was a big man, over 6 ft. tall and well over 200 lb. He wasn’t really fat, but had a stout, muscular-looking body. He was bald, with a black mustache and goatee and wore a weathered leather jacket.
The other man was also quite tall, but more wiry, with a badly scarred face and thick, brownish hair. He had a long, shaggy beard and was smoking a cigarette.
Both men were gruff, intimidating-looking characters. They looked to be in their late 30s to early 40s.
“We’re not trespassing,” Cale answered. “We-we’re looking for a party and- and we kinda got lost. We were supposed to go down Pinetree Road and I think I turned left when I should have turned right.”
“Pinetree Road? You dumb fucks are lost! Pinetree Road is like a couple miles back that way,” he said, pointing in the direction from which the teens had just come. “You’re on Glendale Road! Didn’t you see the sign?”
Cale couldn’t recall seeing a sign, but he didn’t know what to say.
“We never saw a sign.”
“Well, there’s one there,” the man stated. “Although, I guess I could see why you might have not noticed it. If I had a hottie in my car like this one, I might be a bit distracted too.”
Several more of the men had gathered around the car and Kaylee was suddenly very self-conscious of them staring at her. She wrapped her arms around herself, as if she was trying to cover up. The sad fact was, the skimpy shorts and t-shirt didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. She now horribly regretted wearing them.
“Listen, we’re really sorry,” said Cale. “W-would you be able to give us directions…..and we’ll just leave, okay? No harm done. We’re really sorry.”
“You want directions, huh?” said the other man. “We could do that. But it’s gonna cost ya!”
“I c-can give you some money,” Cale said, pulling out his wallet.
The second man reached out and stroked Kaylee’s cheek, making her cringe and slide across the seat closer to Cale.
“It ain’t really money that we want,” he said. “You let us party a bit with yer hot-ass girlfriend here, and we’ll call it a deal.”
“C-Cale…..these guys are scaring me,” Kaylee whimpered. “Let’s get out of here…..now!”
“You ain’t goin’ nowhere,” the first man said, reaching inside the car and grabbing the keys out of the ignition. He looked over at his buddy on Kaylee’s side of the car.
“Get her out in the open, so’s we can get a better look at ’er!” he ordered.