WARNING! You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and non-consensual sex. This particular story features characters al 18 years of age and older. If you do not like such stories, please stop reading. This story is all fiction and no characters in it are meant to resemble any real person. If you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. The people who commit rape are despised everywhere. No one is being hurt, and this is pure fantasy.
NOTE: The original author of this story is Lttlebree. She began writing it but did not finish. She gave me her blessing and permission to continue. My thanks to Lttlebree.
Neptune Beach
A story by Vile8r
You’ve seen TV shows and movies about childhood vacations by some lake in the Catskills. Every one of them looks the same. There’s a wacky dad, crazy adventures, and sweet fleeting romances that make old people all weepy and nostalgic. The people who write them want you to watch and think “Gosh, that looks so relaxing and pleasant”?
Those are all bullshit.
Cabins in the Catskills smell like wet dogs, and they’re full of gross bugs. There’s no TV, no movies, and no boys who aren’t like 50 years old. There’s a lake if you like swimming in brown water, and there’s a beach with no sun and even more bugs.
I, along with my best friend, Nikki, got dragged up to that cabin every summer since we were 7 years old because our parents thought it was the awesomest, most relaxing thing ever. We rented the same two cabins right next to each other along the edge of the big brown lake for two long boring weeks. My uncle and his kids and the family of one of our other neighbors rented the other two cabins in the cluster, so we were always with the same bunch of people out by the lake. Every single year.
This year we begged and pleaded for them to just leave us home. Our friend Erin had even talked her parents into letting us stay at their house the whole time so they wouldn’t worry. We were 18 years old now, for God’s sake; we were way too old to spend two weeks playing Marco Polo with the kids in the lake! But they hadn’t budged and we ended up there just like every year.
“You girls aren’t gonna swim?” asked Nikki’s dad, Mr. Cooper, as he walked out on the dock. The beach didn’t get any actual sun, so Nikki and I were laying in our bikinis out on the long dock, where there was sort of sun but not really.
“Don’t feel like it,” Nikki said without flinching or lowering her sunglasses.
“Yeah,” I agreed, trying my best to sound miserable.
“Come on now, girls,” he said as he exhaled. Mrs. Cooper made him walk out on the lake to smoke, so he only came out there for his cigarettes. “You can’t be miserable the whole trip! There’s lots of stuff to do.”
“Like what?” I asked.
“Well,” he thought for a minute. He was going to say ‘swim’ because that was, literally, the only thing there was to do. He just already said that so he needed to think of something else. “You could fish,” he said.
“Ick,” said Nikki.
“Or, um,” Mr. Cooper was sweating. He’d insisted, when we protested at home, that we would have fun up here, and we were calling his bluff. “You could take the boat out. You girls are old enough to handle her on your own I think.”
We both perked up at this. “The boat” was just an old canoe, but they’d never let us use it by ourselves before. It wasn’t a car, but it was freedom. Sort of.
“Really?” Nikki asked, skeptical.
“Sure,” he said, “I don’t see why not.”
We eagerly accepted the offer. I expected my parents and Mrs. Cooper to veto the idea, but Mr. Cooper was locked in and we weren’t going to let him forget it. Our moms buckled easy, once we promised to keep our life jackets on, and my dad was won over by Mr. Cooper’s rationalizing, when he thought we were out of earshot, that a little time on the lake “might work the bitch out of ’em.” I didn’t appreciate being called a bitch, but I wasn’t going to make a fuss about it then.
Lake Papageorge is as big as it is brown, but it didn’t take us long to get paddled out of sight of the beach and to ditch our clothes. Like any self-respecting teenage girls, we’d packed two bikinis—the ones our parents knew about and the ones they’d never let us wear. We’d covertly slipped into the skimpy ones beneath our t-shirts, shorts, and lifejackets before we’d shoved off. If there was any chance of meeting boys or getting a decent tan, the other ones just wouldn’t do.
We’d only just stripped down when a motorboat full of older guys slowed down to hoot and holler at us. “Show us your tits!” they called, and we both giggled. I thought Nikki might do it, but she chickened out and they zipped away. I didn’t think they’d want to see my little boobs, but Nikki had amazing big breasts and guys were always salivating over them. She had nice tan Italian skin like her mom, and a really cute body, but the only thing guys ever noticed were her big boobs. In that little black bikini, they looked particularly good, and I was super jealous.
“Wow,” she said. “They were cute. I can’t believe they stopped to look at us!”
I laughed at her. “Oh my God, of course they did. Guys have like Nikki-boob radar!”
Nikki blushed but she didn’t deny it.
We drifted a little further. Our cabins were on a private inlet that dipped in for about a mile, but the bigger lake was a lot more crowded. It was a Saturday, so many boaters were out for the weekend with all kinds of people in them. We saw a couple of other canoes, but mostly they were all lots bigger.
There were lots of guys!
After a while, we stopped even noticing guys who slowed down to look at us or whistle. Some of them offered us beer and lots more wanted us to come on their boats. It was sexy, but we didn’t because we saw a police boat float by and didn’t want to get in trouble.
“Where you girls heading?” asked one guy, as he and his friends drifted up beside us. They were college boys or in their early 20s, shirtless and very hot.
“Don’t know,” I said. “What about you?”
“Aw, was hopin’ a couple of fine little honeys like you was heading for Neptune beach.”
“Quit the cradle robbing, Danny,” said his friend, a little annoyed.
He smiled at me. At me! “Aw come on, Robbie,” he said, his big brown eyes still fixed on mine. “You ain’t no baby, are you blondie?”
I’m sure I blushed. “Nope,” I said sheepishly, “Not a baby. I’m 18.”
He laughed. “See, Robbie? She ain’t no baby.” Then he winked, “Up beyond those trees on the left. Don’t be shy. Bring that little friend of yours back there, too.”
“Okay,” I said, feeling tingly and shy.
“I’m Danny, by the way.”
It took me a minute to think of my line. “I’m Emily,” I finally managed.
“Pleased to meet you,” he shouted as he and his friends drifted away towards the trees.
Nikki laughed at me. “You’re drooling,” she said.
“Am not,” I said.
“I’m not a baby, Danny” she teased in a baby voice.
“You’re just mad he was looking at me and not you,” I snapped.
“They all look at you, too, you know.”
Nikki was oblivious to these things. “Wanna check out their beach?” I asked.
“They’re probably just going over there to get drunk and stuff,” she said. “I don’t know.”
“Come on,” I said, “they were cute.”
“Yeah, but they were like in their 20s or something. They probably don’t want to hang out with us.”
“He told us to come,” I said.
“Yeah, but, he probably couldn’t tell how old you were from far away.”
“It was only a few feet.”
Nikki rolled her eyes. She knew how stubborn I could be, and she knew I was going to win if she kept arguing. “Just a little while, ok?”
“Of course,” I said.
We paddled off towards the trees, around the bend where Danny and his boat had disappeared. It took us a good 45 minutes in our canoe, but eventually, we pulled around into an inlet a lot like the one our cabins were on. It wasn’t as big as ours, maybe a quarter mile, but there weren’t any cabins on it that we could see, just trees. At the far end, we could see boats all pulled onto the beach or anchored, so we paddled that way.
There weren’t people on the beach that we could see, but we heard voices coming from further inland.
“Why are they all up there?” Nikki asked.
“I don’t know … want to go look?”
“Not really,” she teased.
We pulled our canoe onto the beach, put our flip-flops on, and grabbed our beach towels for the walk up the wood-plank path toward the voices. It was a lot longer walk than we expected, and the noise kept getting louder. “Wow,” said Nikki as we came to the edge of the woods onto what looked like a bigger sandier beach on the opposite side. “Sounds like a lot of people!”
We pushed through a little further and found ourselves on actual sand, not the rocks on most of the lake beaches. It was a big expanse of real beach, full of real people.
“Oh my god,” said Nikki, “Everyone is like totally naked!”
Well, not everyone. Not even close really, but there were a few. Some of the girls were topless, and others were running around completely naked. But they weren’t ALL naked.
We darted back into the woods before someone saw us.
“We have to go!” Nikki exclaimed though she was staring back out at the beach.
“We don’t have to,” I said.
“Girls our age aren’t supposed to be at places like this,” she said.
“Why not?” I asked, “We went skinny dipping that time at Rhonda’s house.”
“That was a slumber party. This is like … public!”
I rolled my eyes, trying my best to be so very mature. “We don’t have to take our clothes off. Let’s just hang out.”
I bit my lip. I knew she was right, and we probably shouldn’t be hanging around out there—it was the sort of party our parents would flip if they knew we were here. But I was just too excited not to hang around for a little while. I loved the way Danny had looked at me before, and all those guys who whistled at us in our little bikinis. I wanted more of it.
“Come on,” I pleaded again “just a little bit. If they tell us to leave we will.”
Nikki hesitated. “You promise?”
“Yes!” I said.
“Ok, just a little bit.” Nikki relented. She was smiling now too, so I knew I wasn’t the only one who was excited.
We tried to act confident as we strode out onto the sand, but we were definitely out of place and you could probably tell we were nervous. Everyone looked older than us, but the guys weren’t shy about leering as we passed. It was sort of wild, because there were other girls there who were older and very pretty, and totally topless, but guys still looked at us.
Two Hispanic guys came up on each side of us and started talking. “You girls are looking good,” said one. He was in his 20s, muscular, and tanned all over. “Come here a lot?”
“It’s our first time,” I said.
“Should’ve known,” he said, “love the tan lines!”
I blushed. The bikini was so much smaller than the one I normally wore at home that you could make out all of the tan lines all over my pale skin.
“You gotta great body,” he said, sort of whispering to me. His friends—two of them—were chatting up Nikki, and even though they were way over a foot taller than her they didn’t even pretend like they were looking at her face.
“Thanks,” I said shyly, unsure what the appropriate response was.
“Most blonde girls have like dark hair down below, you know? I really like girls that are blonde all over. You blonde all over?”
Now I didn’t know what to say! It was getting sort of embarrassing, but if I was letting on he obviously couldn’t tell.
We wandered as a group close to the edge of the water and sat down, spreading our towels out. We lay down and our entourage gathered around.
“You got a boyfriend?” My boy, who called himself Julio, asked.
I should’ve said yes, but I wasn’t thinking quite right. “Nope,” I said.
“I gotta girlfriend,” he said, “but she’s not as pretty as you.” He lay down beside me and propped his head up one arm. “You wanna be my new girlfriend?”
I had no idea what to say to that, and I was even more speechless when he brazenly put his hand on my hip. Next to me, Nikki half shouted protest as the two boys each got a handful of her breasts and started squeezing. “Whoa…” she said, but one of them just started kissing her and they both kept groping.
I turned to help but Julio laid on top of me and stuffed his tongue in my mouth while he forced his hand between my legs, tugging feverishly at the thin pink bottom. I panicked. This couldn’t be happening in front of all of these other people, could it?
Julio was way bigger than me. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn’t even manage to make enough fuss to make it clear that I wanted him off. God knows what they were doing to Nikki because I couldn’t even turn my head to see.
“Hey homes, that’s my girl,” someone shouted.
I didn’t even know they were talking to us until Julio lifted his head to shout back.
“Get lost, man,” said Julio. “These chicks are taken.”
“I know,” said the voice, “They’re taken by me. You got a problem with that?”
I couldn’t see what was happening because Julio had me pinned, but very suddenly he lifted off and stood up. His friends did likewise, and just like that they ran away from us.
Danny, the guy we met on the boat, was standing over me smiling down, and he had four hulking friends standing behind him. “Emily! You made it!”
“Oh my God, thank you soooooo much,” said Nikki before I could even manage to speak. “I was so scared, you have no idea!” She was covering her breasts with her forearm and one hand, holding the tattered remnants of her bikini top in the other. Those guys had ripped it in half.
“No problem,” said Danny. “Them boys should know better than to get fresh with my girls. You two wanna come party with us over here? We got the grill going.”
Nikki didn’t need convincing this time, and we both answered “Yes!” in unison. Danny and the boys led us around a bend to a wider beach that was less sunny but also less crowded. They had a barbeque grilling and were working on setting up a volleyball net.
I could see Nikki was still quivering a little, and I sort of understood. All Julio did was kiss me and feel me up, but his friends had already begun tearing her clothes off and there was no doubt what they had in mind. “You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she said, softly. “Guess I am now. ’Cept for the suit.”
I giggled at her. “Just go topless,” I suggested. “Other girls are.”
“You gotta do it with me,” she taunted.
I knew she was toying with me, and was certain I wouldn’t do it. To be fair, I probably wouldn’t have any other time but I was still charged up with adrenaline from what just happened, and still turned on by the way guys were looking at us so openly. “Ok,” I said, grinning naughtily as I unsnapped the top and lifted it over my head without hesitating. I tossed it over a branch and made a point of not covering my boobs up. “Fair?” She just giggled and dropped her own hands.
We tossed our towels down in a sunny spot on “their” beach but mostly hung around with Danny and the guys by the grill. They told us they were from New Jersey but came up here because Robby’s uncle had a big house on the lake and he let them use it to chill out.
They even had hard lemonade drinks that they gave us and nobody else because they said they were only for pretty girls. Guys had to drink beer. I never drank hard lemonade before, but after the first couple of sips it tasted like regular lemonade, and way better than beer.
Soon the burgers and weiners they were cooking on the grill were ready and they were delicious! We all had something to eat, then they were ready for volleyball. “You guys in?” Someone asked. Both Nikki and I were sitting on logs by the grill and talking to Danny.
“Think I’ll pass, man,” said Danny.
“Me too!” I said, maybe a little too quickly. I wanted to keep talking to Danny. “But Nikki’s an awesome volleyball player.”
She shot a nasty look in my direction but unhappily took the hint.
“Yeah,” she said, “I’ll play.”
I felt a little bad, but I wasn’t thinking super straight after two bottles of hard lemonade. I just knew my stomach was full of butterflies every time I caught Danny sneaking a glance at my naked boobs and I wanted to be alone with him.
Danny sipped his beer and looked fondly in my direction. “I’m really glad you girls made it out here,” he said.
I smiled back at him. “Me too!”
He stood from his deck chair and sat down beside me on the log. “My buddies all like your little friend,” he said, as we both watched them picking teams. Nikki’s boobs would certainly liven up a volleyball game. “Me, though, I think you’re like the prettiest girl out here!”
He made me blush, and I wasn’t sure what to say back. I just twirled my hair nervously and looked down at my feet as I tried not to giggle. He put his hand on mine and squeezed it tight. Then he leaned in and kissed me, very soft and sweet right on the lips.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m not usually that forward. You’re just too beautiful to resist.”
It was like he was living to make me blush. “Don’t be sorry,” I whispered. “I liked it.”
He kissed me again, this time moving his hands around to the small of my back and the back of my neck so that he could pull me in closer. I felt his tongue in my mouth and I didn’t stop it. We kissed for a long while and then finally broke to take a breath. We both giggled now, just a little.
“It’s almost sunset,” he said. “If we sneak around those rocks we can see it reflecting off the water. Do you want to go for a walk? It’d be romantic.”
My heart was fluttering and my knees were quivering. How could I possibly say no? It was just so perfect. “Of course,” I said, “I’d love to.”