The Controller was having a world of fun with Jaimee’s body when all at once the annoyance of a moan disturbed his bliss. The sadist spared the helpless blonde girl beneath him a few fuck strokes as he manipulated a remote that adjusted tension to the ropes binding the elder of the two females he’d only just captured. Immediately forty-six year old Glenda Pelt squealed in agony…then went silent. Silent all but for the panting of the severely restrained woman’s breathing as her brain processed the lesson it had just been administered.
Be raped. Or shut the fuck up. Those were the rules.
Content that his newly acquired brunette would be quiet for the immediate future the Controller went back to sexually pounding nineteen year old Jaimee Hoyle as painfully as his cock allowed. Like Glenda poor Jaimee was spread eagled atop a sort of imitation marble countertop that served as her (and Glenda’s) bed for the rapes they’d been receiving these past 36 hours. Jaimee was very fortunate in that her restraints were not supplemented by a winch system that could wrench her body at the Controller’s whim…causing unbelievable pain to a victim’s sinews and joints. Just as Glenda would experience whenever she was stupid enough (or desperate enough) to forget the house rules.
“Worthless bitch” snarled the Controller as he licked Jaimee’s nipples. Even as the blonde’s sensual grunts of vaginal discomfort lent credence to Jaimee’s own descent into a private Hell separate from the nightmare Glenda was enduring. “That whore will get both of you in deeper and deeper shit if she can’t learn to absorb punishment with more of a smile. Useless slut.” The Controller was finding that he liked fucking Jaimee…and that it pleased him to make the older hostage he had at his disposal wait and wait and wait for the respite that a sound rape provided Belowstairs.
“Yes sir.”
Jaimee sobbed as she disobediently adjusted her hips in an effort to balance the thudding pain in both her pelvis and the small of her back. The hemp at her wrists, ankles and throat was coarse and abrasive…and the blonde reminded herself to accept the humiliation of being toyed with and ignore the throbbing ache in her shoulders and upper legs. Her kidnapper had told her on several occasions already how pretty she was…and Jaimee was acclimated now to humbling herself verbally to the male who held her fate within his hands.
Yes…y-yes master. I’ll be g-good. I’ll keep you h-happy sir. Uugghhhhhh!!"
The Controller made note of the beaten tone of his newly acquired slave’s voice…and confided to himself that Glenda might well be incapable of a similar capitulation. Hence the need to directly torture the brunette more often and more harshly than he had Jaimee. Which was fine. The blonde was destined for sex service and the MILF would be retained (for a time) strictly for amusement of another kind. Win, win.
“Good girl. I know it hurts. But if you improve ‘in bed’ (Ha - ha - ha - haaa!) there’ll be no need for you to suffer as much as that whore in the corner. It was you I desired Jaimee. More to the point…it was your body that represented your sole value to me the entire time I was stalking you. Glenda was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lucky for me she’s got a great set of tits herself. The Lord helps those who help themselves, huh girl? Yes! OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES PIG! YOU WANT A TASTE OF HOW MUCH PAIN MY WINCH CAN OFFER SLUT? MOVE YOUR HIPS UP AND DOWN! NOW! FASTER! Remember whore…this is the easy part. Tomorrow you go back behind the Yellow Door unless I see real participation and effort. ARCH YOUR FUCKING BACK SLUT! I’M LOSING MY PATIENCE……”
Rules were rules. So as nineteen year old Jaimee Hoyle frantically used her naked body to placate the Controller sexually a wild shriek of agony filled the chamber and echoed most vilely along the stone. Glenda was being played with again. The winch was grinding away.