I did nothing but moped around the house and sleep most of the day. Even Larry’s trying to get me to play seemed lackluster to me when I would try. Walks out was just to keep me from pissing in the house. Nothing seemed to make me happy since the human’s next door took everything and upped and left.
I would lay in the chair and occasionally would look next door and whimper, that was until she moved in. Well not so much as her, as the ultra hot little Pekingese with a white body and a tawny face

Oh man, the way she would run back and forth when my face would appear in the window and I had to agree that my blood ran faster every time I saw her. Maybe this grey and black body still had something in it after all!

I still can recall the day when we both managed to get out of our houses and we met for the first time! It was at the park across the street from our places. Somehow the door was open and I just ran out, black and grey flowing all over as the wind blew, as I crossed the small road in front and ran into the park. First business was that old wood with the wrinkled skin, to drain the vein as the human that was usually around me said!
Well on this particular day, I wasn’t the only one who got out. SaraWai got out and came across the road like a bat out of hell. I just got done putting my leg back on the grass when she ran up to me all excited
Man talk about talking fast, one sniff of the air and I did everything possible to get behind this SaraWai. One deep sniff of her little hole and I was hooked for life on her sweet form. It wasn’t long before I climbed up onto her back and got my willie deep into her. Damn I could feel us lock together and was really surprised when SaraWai didn’t seem to mind me humping away on her small body, not that I was a hulk, hell I was just a little bit bigger than SaraWai was but for some matter it didn’t really matter to me.
Now our humans, that was a different situation. Mind was thrilled to see me being so energetic with another dog . Damn the shiteating grin on his face was wider than I was long! SaraWai’s human though was just as excited as she was and just like I was into SaraWai she was into my human!
Man, the way they talked and stared into each other’s eyes would have had me running away but sweet SaraWai had me so into her that when I finally was able to get away I was more prepared to go right back into her.
I don’t even remember when we came apart, nor when our humans took us into my place. All I knew was SaraWai was sleeping in my bed by the couch and I was laying beside her. Her human and mine were passing things back and forth to each other. I was almost out when SaraWai began kicking me and I opened my eyes and saw something light and airy falling down to the floor followed by a smelly thing that my human had on. Up the stairs they were going, him leading her by the paw.
“Ah, isn’t that sweet Nancy is going to sleep with your human!”
“Paul. wonder if he’s going to wear the Spider-man pyjamas he loves?” Then it dawns on me since we came here all we had was a small thing of water “SaraWai would you like some kibble?” Getting up and making my way to the full clear thing that housed it for me. Motioning with my snout, SaraWai joined me. Trying small pieces before lowering her face into the wide opening and chowing down!
When she was finished I took her over to the water spot and waited as she drank her fill. Back at the warm bed I waited for her to lay back down before mounting her once more. Just like in the park I was so content to be with her that once more we were stuck together until time released us. Apparently we weren’t the only ones as “Oh god yes fuck me!” came down the stairs to where we laid coupling.
“OHNANCYMUSTREALLYLIKEPAUL,SHENEVERTELLSUSABOUTIT!” A long howl was her response to hearing her human. I wasn’t in any shape to do anything since I was in the midst of breeding her once more!
That was a good year ago. Since then we have had a litter of six pups. Paul and Nancy were more than just coupling with a little pup of their own! It kind of made me think of this show Nancy got Paul to watch where humans mixed to be one! Kind of a stupid show since SaraWai and myself had no problem with out brood mixing and playing all day long!
Maybe a dog’s life was easier than a human’s life!
The End