It occurred to me as I was yet again tying the charming Linda’s hands tightly behind her back that I wasn’t sure exactly how old she was. (The Missing Person’s report back in Dayton would list the girl’s age as nineteen.) I was more certain of other things though. Like that I had already raped Linda seven times. And that on the fifth such occasion (when the slut’s legs were raised up flat against my chest with her bare feet pointed at the ceiling) she’d experienced - to her abject dismay - an orgasm.
It was also quite clear that Linda had submitted to performing three blow jobs upon me since being imprisoned. And that I distinctly remembered watching the whore swallow down my cum on each occasion.
These facts lingered pleasantly in my mind. Given the promising start Linda and I had shared together it began to dawn on me that her age wasn’t all that important.
So I tightly cinched the knots binding my victim’s wrists so uncomfortably behind her back that it made Linda wince in pain. Which was nice for a variety of reasons. One, obviously, was that I was hell bent on raping her again within the half hour. Another reason I was pleased was simply because Linda had been stark naked from almost the first minute she’d been ushered Belowstairs to her new home. This state of affairs left the young woman in a perpetual state of being supremely hard in the nipples. Given the chilly, dank nature of the punishment areas Linda now had to exist in. Under my watchful eye.
“I’m…I’m c-cold sir. I am sorry…but s-sir…I’m so very cold.”
As a response the shivering waif got an exceptionally painful pinch to her ass cheeks. Courtesy of my strong left hand. This was a signal to Linda to keep her filthy mouth shut. And I can’t tell you how excited I got once the bitch started sobbing in shame and fear…
But even a Controller may show mercy. Or pretend to. So from just outside her holding cell to the rape rooms two floors down I herded Linda’s excellent nude body to a place where it could actually have some value. Once there - but only after I’d slapped the whore across her tear stained face - I instructed Linda to lie upon the selected bed upon her back. And to try and ignore the discomfort of her wrist bindings as they prodded her lower back. I had enough of a weighted coverlet - soft and warm - to cover up Linda’s body from her nipples to just below her knees as she lay helpless at my mercy.
I ordered Linda to ‘be still’. To remain ‘fucking quiet’. And to gratefully appreciate the warmth I was condescendingly allowing her body to enjoy.
“Th - thank you sir. I’ll…I’ll behave.”
She did. Linda was raped an eighth and ninth time on that occasion. And - to her utter humiliation - surrendered to an orgasm from being pounded vaginally from behind by her Owner. Along the way I mocked Linda for perspiring so profusely as the degrading sex acts took their toll on her self esteem and hope:
“Not so cold now whore, huh? Huh? ANSWER ME BITCH! Next time you feel a little chill in the air Lindie Lou you just let Daddy know and I’ll impart a few games with your nipples that’ll be sure to heat you up. GET YOUR HIPS HIGHER! NOW! Filthy pig……”
Much later that same session (night? day? afternoon? morning? Inconsequential to a sex slave…) I had Linda offer up and perform another bout of oral sex upon me. From her knees. With her wrists STILL painfully bound up behind her back. And the pain accentuated by a leader line running from those bindings to a separate set of rope knots that kept her ankles pinned agonizingly tight. As Linda knelt in misery.
“Happy Holidays slut……”
As the object I now had full possession OF and total control OVER supplied me with sensual gratification via her lips, tongue and throat it struck me that I still wasn’t completely sure how old my newest slave was. But I remained confident in the knowledge of at least two things.
One…Linda was weeping and shuddering uncontrollably as she sucked my cock. And two, the pretty girl had made the mistake of confiding to me (I think it was in Hour 2 or Hour 3 of her captivity) that she was deathly afraid of the prospect of anal sex. Of being raped anally.
“USE YOUR FUCKING TONGUE WHORE! All the way in…all the way! EYES OPEN SLUT!!”
2025 is doubtless going to be a very, very trying year for Linda Curtis; age unknown. Due to the fact that Senor Adrian Parra-Garza of Calamar, Columbia is due to visit the friendly confines of TheP.o.R.T. on January 2nd. With the intention of swapping a pair of Japanese cast offs for a fresh, almost virginal set of American holes. Designated as Linda Curtis.
“Swallow it all or I swear I’ll slice your nipples to ribbons girl. NOW! SWALLOW!!”
You see the thing is I have to have Linda in a state of mind that Calamar and Concordia and Bogota are decidedly more beneficial to her health than remaining here. Within my sex prison and it’s torture dungeon. So it occurs to me I’ll fib and affix an age to Linda that is wholly agreeable to the sadistic designs of Parra-Garza. But only after I’ve had that sweet little naked ass that shimmies do deliciously as Linda stomachs my release very much mashed, minced and maimed.
“Not bad. Not bad for a whore. Good girl. Now…on the bed. No slut…ON YOUR FUCKING FACE! NOW! MOVE! I’ve got four, maybe five, days and nights to prime you. This is going to hurt. We start with the police baton. Until I can get an erection again. SHUT UP! ON YOUR FACE WHORE! If you think what’s about to happen is unfair just wait and see what I can do to a clitoris or two from Sapporo. SILENCE! Butt in the air girl. Now! HIGHER! Like I said…this is going to hurt more than you can imagine. Happy New Year.”